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MBA 联考大纲基础词汇 (2100)



a / an  art.一,一个;每一(个)

about  ad.大约

【联想词】approximately 近似地, 大约; some 大约; 一些 prep.关于,对于

【联想词】concerning 关于

above  prep.在…之上,高于

ache  v.痛 n.疼痛

across  prep.穿过; 在…对面ad. 横过,穿过

AD  n.(A.D.)公元

adult  n.成年人

Africa  n.非洲

African  a.非洲(人)的 n.非洲人

after  prep. 在…以后,在…后面 conj.在…后

afternoon  n.下午,午后

again  ad. 又,再(次),重新

【联想词】repeatedly 重复地, 再三地; again and again 再三地, 反复地; time and again 反复地

age  n. 1. 年龄 sixteen years of ~  16 岁; at the ~ of 84; 2. 时代 information ~ 信息时代; a man of middle age 中年人;

  1. 变老,老化 As we ~, our brains are contracting. 随着我们年龄增长, 大脑在萎缩.

【派生词】aged  a. 年老的, 经过相当岁月的

aim  v. 1. 以…为目标 He ~s to be a lawyer. 他的目标是当一名律师. 2. 瞄准 ~ the gun at the enemy officer 用枪瞄准敌军官

n.目标,目的 ~ in life 人生目标

【联想词】objective 目标, 目的; 客观的; goal 目的, 目标; purpose 意图, 目的

air  n.空气,大气,天空v.使通风

【合成词】air-conditioning  n.空调; aircraft  n.航空器,飞机; airline  n.航线;航空公司; airlines  n. 航空公司; airplane  n.飞机 [英]aeroplane;

all  a.所有的pron.一切,全部ad.完全,都

【联想词】nearly 几乎; practically 几乎, 简直

along  prep.沿着 ad.向前 along with与…一起

also  ad.也;而且,还





abide  遵循(…by);容忍  The one thing she cannot abide is lying.

abnormal  反常的  abnormal behavior

abolish  彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等)abolish old custom

abrupt  突然的,意外的  an abrupt departure

absolute  纯粹的,完全的  have absolute trust in sb.

absorb  吸收,吸进  A sponge absorbs water.

abstract  抽象的  A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.

absurd  荒谬的,荒唐的  The idea that number 14 brings bad luck is absurd.

abuse  滥用  abuse one’s authority(office)

aaccelerate  加速,增速  accelerate one’s steps

access  接近(或进入)的机会  have regular and immediate access to the President

accommodate  使适应,使符合一致  accommodate oneself to changed circumstances

accompany  陪伴,伴随  She was accompanied to a dinner by her friend.

accomplish  达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划,诺言等)  accomplish one’s purpose

accord  使符合,相一致(with)  His violent action do not accord with his peaceful words.

account   记述,叙述  give a brief account of what has happened

accumulate  积累,积攒,积聚  accumulate wisdom

accurate  准确的,精确的  an accurate estimate

accuse  指控,指责  They accused her publicly of stealing their books.

accustom  使习惯于  accustom oneself to rising (to rise) early

acquaint  使认识,使了解

activate  使活动起来,使开始起作用,启动  They have planted secret agents in many countries who could be activated whenever needed.

acute  尖锐的,敏锐的  an acute thinker

adapt  (使)适应  adapt oneself to new conditions

address  演说  a television address

adhere  黏附,附着  Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another.

adjacent  临近的,毗邻的(to)  a city and its adjacent suburbs

adjoin  贴近,与…毗邻  His house adjoins the lake.

administrate  掌管,料理…的事务  In many Japanese

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